When you join the EPA we ask you to include a self-rated skill level.  Our expectation is that this reflects, fairly accurately, your current level of play.  This helps us to create programming for all skill levels so that everyone has fun, balanced, and competitive playing opportunities.  Please refer to these definitions and think objectively about your level of play when registering for events.

BEGINNERS:  2.0 – 2.5
-Knows how to keep score
-Knows where to stand on the court during serve, receive of serve and general play
-Knows the two-bounce rule and demonstrates it consistently
-Understands what the non-volley zone (kitchen) is and demonstrates that understanding consistently
-Moves around the court in a balanced and safe manner
-Gets at least half of their serves “in”
-Has some basic stroke skills, backhand, forehand, volley
-Able to maintain short slower-paced rallies
NOVICE:  2.75 – 3.0 (Beginners should exhibit all of the Beginner Skills plus 50% or more of these Novice skills to move up a level)
-Able to serve “in” about 80%+ of the time
-Exhibits “serve and stay; return and run” consistently
-Demonstrates improved skills with all the basic shot strokes and shot placement but lacks some control when trying for direction, depth or power on shots
-Aware of the soft game and occasionally tries to dink
-Contributes to longer lasting rallies
-Working to keep the serve and service return deep
-Moves quickly toward the non-volley zone when opportunity is there
-Trying to make flatter returns (where appropriate)
-More aware of partner’s position on the court and moving more as a team
-Developing more power in shots
INTERMEDIATE:  3.25 – 3.5 (Novice players should exhibit all of the Novice skills plus 50% or more of these Intermediate level  skills to move up a level)
-Gets 90%+ of serves “in”
-Consistently able to hit a third shot drop
-Able to serve and return serve deep
-Hits to the weak side of opponent often
-Demonstrates more strategic play during games
-Works with partners in communicating, covering court, moving to the net
-With varying consistency can execute: lobs, forehand/backhand ground strokes, overheads, net volleys, speed ups and sustained dinking
-Knows when to make some specific placed shots in the game
-Working on mixing up soft shots with power shots to create an advantage
-Hits fewer balls out of bounds or into the net
-Understands and demonstrates the appropriate and effective use of lobs
-Demonstrates effective poaching
-Able to sustain dinking in the game
-Dinks land mostly in opponents’ kitchen with a low trajectory over the net
-Has only a moderate number of unforced errors
ADVANCED:  3.75+ (Intermediate players should exhibit all of the Intermediate skills plus 50% or more of these Advanced skills to move up a level)
-Gets 95%+ of serves in
-Plays consistently in all facets of the game
-Anticipates opponent’s shots resulting in good court position
-Primarily plays offensively
-Controls and places serve and return-of-serve to best advantage
-Consistently varies shots to create a competitive advantage
-Able to convert a hard shot to a soft shot (reset)
-Very comfortable playing at the non-volley zone line.  Works with partner to control the line, keeping opponents back and driving them off the line
-Can consistently block volleys directed at them
-Has good footwork and moves laterally, backward and forward with ease
-Uses strategy in dinking to get a put-away shotConsistently demonstrates effective 3rd shot strategies: drop shot or fast paced drive shotsHits a low number of unforced errors per game